How do i make a metallic hit sound, like a hammer hitting an anvil?

  • (Quote) One of the main percussive sounds of Brad Fiedel's score - the metallic beats of the Terminator theme - is not created by a synthesizer. It's Fiedel striking one of his cast-iron frying pans.

    Sonar bleep is white noise into bandpass filter with lots of resonance, filter cut off up around 1 to 2 khz. Amp envelope with immediate attack, short decay, low sustain and lots of release. play around with the filter cut ff to get it at the right pitch.

  • (Quote) One of the main percussive sounds of Brad Fiedel's score - the metallic beats of the Terminator theme - is not created by a synthesizer. It's Fiedel striking one of his cast-iron frying pans.

    Sonar bleep is white noise into bandpass filter with lots of resonance, filter cut off up around 1 to 2 khz. Amp envelope with immediate attack, short decay, low sustain and lots of release. play around with the filter cut ff to get it at the right pitch.

    Many thanks!
    I still believe somehow these metallic beats can be recreated with a Virus... :thumbup:

  • For a metaliic sound i'd start off with an oscillator with the amp set for a percussive sound - immediate attack, short decay, low sustain and some release ( same as before) then add some frequency modulation for that clangy sound. Not had a chance to muck about with this one yet i'll see what i can come up with...

  • You could take a look at my sound - ROM E 40 Klang BC. This should serve as quite a good starting point which should also be fairly easy to improve upon, as it was made prior to the introdution of wavetables.