Missing delay matrix destinations?

  • Hello,

    I'm programming some new sounds and I wonder if it's possible what I think, that I don't see any "delay frequency" destinations in the matrix. I am trying to send "controller 16" to softknob1 and trying to assign a delay frequency (for the tape delay) for easy modulation with the knob. However if I open the assign menu for slot 1 I see no "delay frequency".

    The destination is available in cubase automation though but it doesn't appear in the delay group but after some OSC automation parameters..

    here's some pics:

    Pic 1
    pic 2

    (well it seems I can't post any url's/pics :P)

  • ah thx, I'll try it out. Is this a temporary situation or is it going to be fixed and is there going to be a note in the manual about which delay automation is what in the destination matrix?