Sysex bulks not sent correctly by a Virus TI

  • Anyone able to confirm?

    Make a:

    1.Multi instrument with 5 patches.
    2.Set your MIDI channel to receive the third or fourth patch - so that you can play an instrument
    3.Save your multi in one of the Virus TI's 14 memory slots
    *..test your multi sound..*
    4.Bulk dump the multi instrument to your medium of choice / to your sequencer
    5.Send the bulk to Virus TI.
    *A/B - test the MULTI - that was loaded (via bulkdump), and compare it to that, which was saved into your machine.*

    I have noticed there being random drop outs, and because the Virus TI does not stay in tune when it is connected to a PC on any setup, I have decided to use my Virus TI as stand alone.

    I would like to be able to store my patches aswell - and this too is looking like it is a flaw - not in the users setup - but in the Access Virus TI , Sysex handling - that is, at software level.

  • I tried the following:

    I put the Ti in "sequencer mode" and use the "virus ti synth" driver from cubase 5.1 (so midi over USB)
    I put some sounds on the different midi channels and perform a "Dump Arrangement" and record this in Cubase.
    Aftter playing back these recorded sys ex info, the sounds does not load correctly into the right channels

  • I tried the following:

    I put the Ti in "sequencer mode" and use the "virus ti synth" driver from cubase 5.1 (so midi over USB)
    I put some sounds on the different midi channels and perform a "Dump Arrangement" and record this in Cubase.
    Aftter playing back these recorded sys ex info, the sounds does not load correctly into the right channels


    thank you so much for confirming.

    It's so nice to have this forum, so that we as users can help eachother out, yet it is quite strange that Access themselves are not willing to take action on these things.

    A serious approach from behalf of the developer is now expected..

    Any devs here, able to confirm?

  • i've just tried that and here the patches sound the same. in which way does the sound differ for you?


    It's like there are parameters missing, and a bass sound will get transformed into a distorted lead.

    (..also patch names might be missing..)

    Single patches are transmitted mostly correctly, but when it comes to sending MULTI's or SEQ mode setups, the parts above part 1 are skewed..

    Running a setup with PC.. edit: and on winXP just as HUEY above..

  • thanks. can you give me a step by step rundown which includes the exact type of dump you're sending? as for the patch names, you might be right. those are getting initialized in embedded multis once they loose the reference to the original patch. i must admit this is not ideal and i only found out today but it is something intentional and not a type of data corruption or omission from the dump.

    are you using MIDI over USB or a conventional MIDI connection?

    best, marc

  • What I tried:

    1. Virus is connected via USB (Virus Ti Synth driver) so Midi via USB and put in seq mode
    2. I load ram A1 on midi channel 1 and ram B1 on midi channel 2
    3. I perform "STORE" ->"DUMP ARRANGEMENT" and record the sysex info in cubase (I got 7 lines of sysex info)
    4. I changed the sounds on channel 1 and 2 to something else.
    5. I play back the recorded sysex info and expect channel 1 to jumps back to ram A1 and channnel 2 to ram B1 -->No succes

    When I do the same but only with the old fashion midi cables connected, Cubase records 17 lines of sysex info, but still loads not back the original sounds


  • thanks. can you give me a step by step rundown which includes the exact type of dump you're sending? as for the patch names, you might be right. those are getting initialized in embedded multis once they loose the reference to the original patch. i must admit this is not ideal and i only found out today but it is something intentional and not a type of data corruption or omission from the dump.

    are you using MIDI over USB or a conventional MIDI connection?

    best, marc


    Yes I will do that..

    Actually what HUEY posted above, is just all the steps that I have done.

    (..I am using Virus TI USB Midi for this - but I think I have checked this also on conventional Midi cabling..)

    1. Put Virus TI into Multi mode.
    2. Load different patches into memory, into all parts between 1-6
    3. Check the patches that are on parts 1-4 (..send midi to midi channels 1-4 and quickly go throught them to check the sound..)
    4. Save the Multi into a free slot (..1 - 14..)
    5. Arm a channel in Cubase 5 etc. to receive sysex dump from Virus TI
    6. Send Sysex -> "store multi" -> "Dump Arrangement"
    7. After recording the Sysex, Change your Multi patch into an Initialized Multi
    8. Send your sysex from Cubase to that Initialized channel
    9. Test what is playing on channels 1-4, when you send Midi notes to Virus TI's parts 1-4.
    10.Save your test Multi to a anotherfree slot (..1-14..).
    11.Load the Multi that was saved on step 4, and check if the sounds on both multis are the same..

    Personally I am not dealing much with this Sysex thing anymore, since my timing / driftage problems were almost totally fixed by changing a PCI slot of my soundcard, but I hope this will help to get this fixed so that others can send the Sysex incase there is a need for that..

  • Lightsound - please try using MIDIOX to both receive and send the sysex dump - I just tried, and it seems to work well here.

    If successful, you could try further experiments to track down the cause of the problem, i.e. by recording the sysex dump in Cubase, and sending back it via MIDIOX (and vice-versa).

    Personally, I am not convinced that this particular issue is down to Access - I have had very different results with sending/receiving sysex dumps of Virus arrangements with different hosts.

  • Can somebody confirm that the method "an sich" I tried works under "normal conditions? (so when there are no problems with the virus or WIN/Cubase setup)

  • I just wanted to try it, but... well, that may be a stupid question, but how do you guys use MIDI via USB without Virus Control at all 8| ? Is there an additional driver available that adds an appropriate MIDI device/port?

  • I just wanted to try it, but... well, that may be a stupid question, but how do you guys use MIDI via USB without Virus Control at all 8| ? Is there an additional driver available that adds an appropriate MIDI device/port?

    Yes, there is.
    See under midi outputs in your DAW. There is one called: "Virus Ti Synth"
    Select this one and your Virus acts like it's connected via normal midi cables but then over the USB cable

  • Yes, there is.
    See under midi outputs in your DAW. There is one called: "Virus Ti Synth"
    Select this one and your Virus acts like it's connected via normal midi cables but then over the USB cable

    There is no such port listed anywhere in my sequencer (Cubase Studio 4) at all, that's why i'm asking ;) This may get a little offtopic, but you are using Cubase too, right? Is there an additional Virus MIDI device listed in the MIDI Port Setup, or is the "Virus Ti Synth" port only listed in the MIDI channels output port list?

  • There is no such port listed anywhere in my sequencer (Cubase Studio 4) at all, that's why i'm asking ;) This may get a little offtopic, but you are using Cubase too, right? Is there an additional Virus MIDI device listed in the MIDI Port Setup, or is the "Virus Ti Synth" port only listed in the MIDI channels output port list?

    Yes, I'm also using Cubase (5). It should be listed in the midi channels output port list on the left of your screen

    Maybe the picture clarify

  • The picture is not working I see...........

    Quote from page 17 from quick start manual

    Virus Control vs MIDI?
    There are three main ways you can work with the Virus TI:
    · As we’ve already mentioned, you can simply plug a MIDI controller keyboard into the MIDI IN port and start
    · You can use a software sequencer host to route up to 16 different channels of MIDI to the Virus TI. All you
    need to do is select the appropriate MIDI port in your host, which is labelled “Virus TI Synth”, and put the
    Virus into Sequencer Mode. Program changes can be made as normal on the Virus itself, or via your se

    · You can enjoy Total Integration between your compatible sequencer host and the Virus TI by using Virus

  • Ok, now that the MIDI via USB thingy is sorted i've tried it, and i have problems too, storing and retreiving single dumps seems to work more or less fine, but multis do not work.

    When sending back a dump of a "non saved" multi it disables all parts of the current multi, and changes some aspects of the patches of the current multi patches (for example delay send, though the display shows no change it is set to zero), it doesn't change to the dumped patches.

    When sending back a dump of a "saved" multi it correctly changes the current multis name, but it doesn't change to the dumped patches, again only some aspects of the current multi patches.

    Another strange thing is, after trying to send a multi dump to the Virus without luck, i've tested the single dump again, and i ended up with a very strange dump that consisted of 19 kinda empty entries (00 c7 8a 04 a0 0d 8a 04 00 00 00), plus one containing the actual single patch data.
