Ti Snow - How to browse patches by category rather than by Bank

  • Hi guys,

    I've searched the forum for this question, surprised it hasn't been asked so I'm guessing is something simple I've missed.

    When using my Snow (native not connected to the computer) and I want to access the patches I'd like to be able to browse all "Bass" patches to pick one I like, rather than having to go through 10-20 banks to find a couple of bass parts. Same as if I'm making a song and need a really nice lead, I'd like to browse just "leads".

    Can anyone point me in the right direction for this?

  • On the standard TI that function is under the "search" menu. My best guess is that the function is there by pressing EDIT and BANK together on your Snow (I can see in pictures that Bank has a second label "Search"). This should bring up the search by category menu, it will filter patches based on what you select.

    If that does not work, give a look to your Access files' on your computer and read the Virus TI Snow Reference Manual a bit. It's also up for download on the main site in support->download->manuals.

  • Thanks Roby, that was the one thing I didn't try.

    It was available by holding EDIT and pressing BANK.

    I just checked and it was in the Reference Manual page bottom of page 70/71 for anyone else looking for this info, it's one small paragraph, so easy to miss.

    Appreciate the friendly help. Mike. 8o