Updated instructions for Pro Tools 9?

  • Can we get some when you guys have a chance to test it?

    So far I've been getting perfect results with:

    - Delay Compensation set to: Short
    - Buffer set to: 128 (even works at 64 and 32!)
    - Switch Live mode on in the Virus plugin interface

    * Timing goes off unless you use Live mode.

    This is just my preliminary testing...it's only been out for about 3 hours. But so far...verrry good...

  • On further testing it looks like the exact same instructions Access gives for Pro Tools HD also works on Pro Tools 9:

    - Set buffer to 128
    - Set Delay Compensation to Long

    Everything works properly. At 128 you can pretty much deal with the latency without having to switch to Live mode, but switch to it anyway if you want it to be easier to record. Then switch back when done. Just like the manual says.

    Also the manual says to throw in an extra bar at the beginning of your song of silence just to let the Virus settle in; don't ignore that, it helps.

  • so how should it be. Delay compensation to Long???

    There is no way I can work at 128... the system gets overloaded in a second... im only able to use 256, with live mode...

    is this not ideal??