Total Integration problem

  • Hi,

    I am using logic on a mac book and I can get my Access Virus TI2 to play correctly. I Downloaded the software for Total Integration but i can't figure out how to get the software to display so i can mess around with the osc's and stuff like that without tweaking the knobs on my keyboard. When I downloaded the software it was able to locate my keyboard and everything and seemingly downloaded fine. I don't know and can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Help please!

    EDIT: I forgot to mention I've read the manual and watched the tutorials but they seem to just point back to each other and I am not able to locate the "?" button in Access Control that it also refers to.

    Thanks in advance,

  • You need to load the virus as a software instrument in one of your logic channel strips, when you click on the channel input go down to where it says AU Instrument then you should find it under Access.

  • Sorry if I'm misunderstanding what you said, I'm completely new to this.

    How do I load the virus as a software instrument? Do you mean simply getting it to appear under instruments and then clicking Virus TI Synth and then clicking channel 1? If this is the case when I click on channel 1 I do not see AU Instrument.

  • You would load it the same way as you would any of Logics own instruments, like the ES2 for example. You may need to scroll down the menu to see AU Instruments but it will be there.

    If you are unsure how you would do this, read the Logic manual under "Working with instruments & effects" & specifically "Working with plug ins"

  • I just read the logic manual but I can't find the channel's insert slot which I'm assuming will enable me to locate the plug-in. How do I get to the insert slot? I just realized that if I open a new project through the option "empty project", then even the logic instruments have the same problem and I cannot load a plug-in (all i can see is rev and chor followed by the volume). If I open a new project through the option "instruments" then they all come with the plug-in's and I can see what you were talking about. However even if I open a project this way I still cannot get the insert slot to appear when i change one of the instruments into the Virus. What do I do now?

    Thanks for your help.

  • …all i can see is rev and chor followed by the volume…

    You have the wrong kind of channel strip, that's for an external instrument. Even though your Virus technically is an external instrument that's not what you need to be using for the TI to work.

    Up in the top left corner of the arrange window, there's a button labelled "+" next to where it says Global Tracks. Press that then choose "Software Instrument" from the drop down menu.

    In the channel strip which appears in the Inspector window above where it says Stereo Out there's a grey box - click this then scroll down to AU Instruments. Now you will find the TI plug-in.

    Really this is entry level beginner stuff that I'm telling you here, you would benefit from spending some time getting alot more familiar with Logic.

    EDIT: Which version of Logic are you using? I'm assuming you are using Logic 9.1.3

  • I am using the most up to date stuff for logic and my virus. I clicked the "+", clicked the grey box (insert box I'm assuming?) and am now able to use plug-ins for the logic instruments. However once I change the software instrument to my virus, The channel strip changes back to what to would appear as a "external instrument" channel strip and doesn't give me the ability to choose a plug-in. What am I doing wrong? Also sorry I am a complete beginner with logic.

  • You weren't kidding when you said you were a complete beginner with Logic eh?

    All the information you need is in the manual, if you looked at the section I suggested earlier you would have a bit of a better understanding of what you are looking at - you could maybe also look at "Getting to know the Arrange Channel Strips"

    It probably wouldn't be a bad idea for you to get hold of this book as well, it will give you all the information you need to get a decent start with Logic & is laid out in a very clear easy to understand way.

  • Very basic, but you could try this:

    Open Logic, close any default project that might have loaded then select "New" from the file menu. This should open Logic's Templates, the top one being "Empty Project". Click or Double-Click the Empty Project icon and wait a moment for Logic's arrange page to open.

    At the top of the arrange page a small drop-down window will open prompting you to create new channels/tracks. Leave the numerical input field set to "1", select "Software Instrument" and click OK.

    A software instrument channel called "Inst 1" should open. Make sure you toggle Logic's inspector to ON so that you can see the new channel to the left of your screen, (Cmd + I), or alternatively open Logic's mixer.

    Just above the new channel's name should be a slot which shows the channel's output, usually called "Stereo Out", and just above this output slot is the slot where any software instrument can be inserted. Click and hold this software instrument slot and a drop-down list of instruments will appear, the uppermost of these being Logic's built-in instruments, (ES1, EXS-24, Ultrabeat etc.). Below Logic's instruments there will be a field called "AU Instruments" and, when you place your mouse over this field it will open a further sub-list of software instrument manufacturers, including Access. Move the mouse over "Access" and Virus TI will appear. Click on Virus TI and the TI interface will open and inform you that it's starting up.

    Well, it always works for me, anyway...

    Best of luck.

  • Thanks a lot for your inputs infraction and entity, I'll definitely check out the youtube tutorials, and entity thanks to you also ill give your suggestion a try as soon as I get the time, I'll let you know how it goes

    Thanks for the help guys it is very much appreciated.

    EDIT: Entity I just followed your instructions and I think It's going to work now!!! It's currently synchronizing with my keyboard!. Thanks so much for the detailed step by step instructions on how to get this to work :)\

    EDIT2: THANKS SO MUCH Entity IT WORKS!!! :). BTW thanks ruari and infraction also, ill definitely be checking out the you tube page suggested and the book recommended
