Midi / Sound Cutting out.

  • Hi There

    I have my virus hooked up via USB in Logic Pro 9. I was noticing this problem and only just now have realized what is causing it. Is this normal?

    So i have 16 Midi channels setup inside Logic Pro pointing to the Virus.

    Midi 1 and Midi 2 have two patches (plucks on them) - I have these then routed to the USB 2x Output channel on the virus and have setup the Aux inside logic so that i can EQ and FX to taste.

    Midi 3 inside logic has a virus pad.

    The problem occurs on playback, the Virus will just drop the pad sound (or sometime just the lower notes holding the higher notes). That pad will keep playing (looping) around and sometimes pick them up again then dropping spontaneously as the playhead plays over the midi notes.

    However if i mute the Midi 1 and Midi 2 Regions on the arrange page, the Midi 3 Pad plays perfectly on the Virus.

    Is this a voicing problem? Is this a limitation of the Virus? Or should i be able to have a fair few Regions all playing at once, or do i need to immediately bounce to Audio?

    The regions comprise the following:

    Midi 1 / Region 1: 6 Note Stabs (3 notes and then same 3 notes copied an octave higher)
    Midi 2 / Region 2: A copy of Region 1 (not alias)
    Midi 3 / Region 3: A 5 note Chord on Bars 1 and 2. Then a chord change to another 5 Note Chord on Bar 3 and then another 5 Note chord drop on Bar 4.

  • i thought that might be the situation. Still boggles me how playing 3 parts you can maximize all the voices. Such a love hate relationship with this piece of equipment. I guess i will just bounce straight to audio once i have my midi laid out,

  • When I had my recent problems I raised a ticket with tech support, Jorg from tech support replied the same day with some troubleshooting advice (which due to being a bit on the busy side, I still haven't been able to carry out yet) here's part of the email he sent me which might be relevant to your situation

    If you analysed your patches or what you are trying to do you might find there's a heck of a lot more going on inside the machine than your 3 parts would have you think.