new setting for modulation pedal?

  • I had an idea tonight that I would absolutely love to see in a future Virus OS.

    What I was thinking would be to have an option in the modulation pedal assignment for dynamic reassignment. What I mean is that if you dial up the "dynamic assignment" mode, what happens is the pedal then controls whatever parameter is currently selected for editing. That is, when you're looking at a parameter on the Virus' LCD display, the pedal modifies whatever has the little triangle over it. Let me give an example.

    So let's say I've got "distortion" selected and I go into edit mode. On the first page, you see "type", "mix", and "intensity". If I stay on that edit page, whichever parameter I adjust gets a little floating triangle over it, and what I'm proposing is that whatever has the little triangle over it becomes the controller pedal destination. This would give me the ability to very quickly do some pedal reassignments.

    If no parameter is selected for editing, I would suggest either the pedal setting is "sticky" (i.e. it remembers the last parameter assigned) or it reverts to CC#1/mod wheel.

  • I think a generalized "destination learn" feature in the modulation matrix would do the job better : it wouldn't be restricted to modulation pedal.
    You want to select "Reverb Send" as output #1 of slot 1.
    Instead of searching for "Reverb Send" through the big list, you just select the first entry, "Learn", which is a special entry. The Virus then waits for the next manually tweaked parameter, and selects it.

    So, when playing live, you just have to have your pedal already configured as modulation source 1.
    If you want to quickly reassign it, enter mod matrix, turn the "value 3" button at its maximum, and tweak the desired parameter.

    What do you think?

  • Yeah, that would work. It might be a bit confusing to have, say, an LFO flying around and affecting whatever parameter you adjust, but I think it would be easy to avoid that confusion for people who are uninterested, and would make some weird dynamic patches.

    Your idea would address my pedal issue, but if for some reason yours is unworkable, I'd still appreciate it if access would consider my simplified pedal-only version.