virus ti and macbook pro 2011 13"

  • I see on the photo of the setup guide it must be
    a macbook pro 15 "with 3 USB port
    what about you it with a MacBook Pro 13 "appears the virus would like to dedicate a USB port
    I use the virus as I do not make face time and no IR REMOTE CONTROL USB and bluethoot is disable
    thank you

    je voie que sur la photo du setup guide il doit s'agir
    d'un macbook pro de 15" avec 3 port usb
    qu'en est t'il avec un macbook pro de 13" apparament le virus aimerait bien un port usb dédier
    quant j'utilise le virus je ne fait pas de face time et pas de télécomande infra rouge usb et le bluethoot est désactiver

  • sometimes there is no dedicated port, for instance on a mac book or mac book pro. the warning actually tells you, it's okay, you just need to read on. you should use a compatible USB2 hub in the configuration.
    best, marc

    cheap marc I just make a test with 1 usb 2 hub and I met exactly the same problems
    that doije to thank you for your help