Virus TI Desktop - can it open instances of Virus TI Snow?

  • I've got a TI Snow. If I were ever to upgrade to a TI Desktop, would I be able to open old projects which contain the "Virus TI Snow" plugin? Or is that not something that's supported in the Desktop models?

  • So if I were to upgrade from the Snow, all my previous projects wouldn't be able to be opened? That really sucks :(

    in a way it does. the underlaying technical problem is a restriction to audio plug-ins which can only be removed by the host manufacturers. on the bright side, there are considerations to do so on their side. believe me, we were not keen on making 2 plug-ins instead of one.
    best, marc

  • So is there an official method recommended by Access for users who want to upgrade from a Snow to a higher model, and wish to retain compatibility with projects that contain instances of the Snow plugin?

    Is the sysex method mentioned the only way? Because that's pretty onerous - it would entail manually saving sysex data for every patch in every instance, in every project... Which wouldn't be fun :(

  • So is there an official method recommended by Access for users who want to upgrade from a Snow to a higher model, and wish to retain compatibility with projects that contain instances of the Snow plugin?

    Is the sysex method mentioned the only way? Because that's pretty onerous - it would entail manually saving sysex data for every patch in every instance, in every project... Which wouldn't be fun :(

    Bit of a bump on this old post... is there any official method that Access approves of for Snow users to migrate to a fully-fledged TI model?

  • if you mean by SysEx to store away all 4 Parts of your Snow in Virus Control by dragging them into an empty library so you can open them later again when rebuilding the Virus tracks ... yes, that's probably the way i'd do it. the big problem is that you loose automation. maybe it's worth a try to attempt to copy automation lanes from one plug-in track to the other but i've never done that.
    hth, marc

  • Hi Marc

    Could you be a little more specific on how you'd do this? I'm not able to work out precisely how to do that from what you're describing.

    The interchangeability of projects between "full Ti" and Ti Snow is number one on my wish list for features. In my studio I've got a Ti2 Polar and on the road I'm using a Snow for its portability. Typically I write songs on the road while utilizing the excellent sounds of the Snow, and then at the studio I start beefing it all up on my bigger setup, including the Ti2 Polar. So some easy way of interchanging the projects would be incredibly important.

    In the interim, I'd like to use the best and most solid way you can recommend, that ensures that I can open old projects no matter what version of the Ti I'm using.


  • i'll try. first you drag all patches on all parts used to the library. next you open the other plug-ins and do the reverse: drag all those patches back onto the parts. this way you save the sounds and as long as you choose the same midi channels it works pretty much right out of the box. the problem is possible track automation. you will have to re-build it.
    hth, marc