Working with Cubase 6.

  • Hello all.

    I'm using my TI Desktop with Cubase 6, everything works great, but when I use the Virus Control interface I obviously get just the 3 USB channel strips in the Cubase mixer. If I want to use anymore patches than the maximum 3 usb from the Virus control, what other mixer channels can I use in the Cubase mixer strip to eq etc? There isn't any! If I use a 4th patch in the Virus Control on midi channel 4 for eg, the signal gets routed through one of the previous 3 USB mixer channels, and doesn't create a separate mixer channel. A little annoying this!

    Can anyone enlighten? Or am i missing something?


  • If I understand you correctly.

    you can't use any more than the the usb outs on the virus. usb1, usb2, and usb3.

    There is no way to get extra usb outs with the current operating system. All your Virus tracks are going to either be routed to the usb1, usb2, or usb3 outs.

    IN the past, I saw this as a limitation. But I've now made it a habit to bounce my midi tracks to audio.

    To get extra control, you'll have to export some of those midi (virus ti control) tracks to audio.

  • Yes many thanks, this is what i'd guessed. Such a shame this, but i suspect that current usb bandwidth limitations knocks anymore outputs in to touch at the moment.

    Thanks for the reply, much appreciated.
