Virus TI running at 96khz

  • Hello
    I do not own Virus which belongs to me be i really like it and I think this feature will be very nice. :thumbup:
    I cannot post anything in the Feature Request Forum category but forum moderators if u would be nice, can u move it there please!
    As i know a current Virus can be runned natively at 44.1Khz and 48Khz, but it would be really nice if it would be possible to run it natively at 96Khz even though that poliphony might be reduced twise.
    I am not going to begin debate 48Khz vs 96Khz but thouse people who need it would really aprishiate this feature which alow to run it natively at 96Khz
    and even though that polyphony might be reduced.
    seens Virus is VA it only benefit from 96Khz sample rate
    Maby it might not be even possible to implement this feature for a crurrent Virus because of just time because i am pretty shure u guys working
    on a new Virus but please implement this feature at list in the next gen model.
    Thank u and Have a nice Day! :)

  • I cant even get my Virus to work at 48KHZ never mine 96KHZ!


    John Bowen Solaris is a great example.
    He did an amazing job, thought the polyphony is limited, it sound if not 100% but at list 99% for shure like Analog.
    The sound of Solaris is Amazing and it raning natively at 96 Khz. so i was thinking that if Access will
    put this opition to runn their synth at 96Khz natively it would be very-very cool and even thought that polyphony
    might be reduced twise. For thouse who need polyphony they can always switch back to 48 or 44.1 Khz thought....

  • John Bowen Solaris is a great example.
    He did an amazing job, thought the polyphony is limited, it sound if not 100% but at list 99% for shure like Analog.
    The sound of Solaris is Amazing and it raning natively at 96 Khz. so i was thinking that if Access will
    put this opition to runn their synth at 96Khz natively it would be very-very cool and even thought that polyphony
    might be reduced twise. For thouse who need polyphony they can always switch back to 48 or 44.1 Khz thought....

    there are parts in the virus sound engine which run on higher sampling rates internally. there are certain things which highly benefit from this extra precision but there are others which wouldn't. this way you get the best result.

  • there are parts in the virus sound engine which run on higher sampling rates internally. there are certain things which highly benefit from this extra precision but there are others which wouldn't. this way you get the best result.

    My point is that don't be afraid to implement 96khz native resolution if not in the current but at list in a new gen Virus. :thumbup:
    Plyphony? Well just provide 3 modes 44.1,48 and 96Khz and the problem is solved and all targed adience is happy.

  • My point is that don't be afraid to implement 96khz native resolution if not in the current but at list in a new gen Virus. :thumbup:
    Plyphony? Well just provide 3 modes 44.1,48 and 96Khz and the problem is solved and all targed adience is happy.

    No way! 88.2khz is more important than 96khz. Right now if you work at 96khz the virus will operate at 48khz internally which is a definite improvement over 44k. If you work at 88khz though the virus only operates at 44khz internally. This is disappointing and at times makes it just a little harder for the Virus to match up sonically to my work environment. Right now the best I can do is change my soundcard's sample rate to 48khz (which causes all my midi gear timing offsets to go out of time while doing this) when it's time to record something, then switch back to 88khz and do a quick SRC of the recorded audio from 48khz to 88.2khz. The sound is more clear & open working above 44k so it's really not ideal composing and tweaking at the lower rate and rendering at the higher. Filters certainly open up more at 48khz I've noticed.

    I would kill for the option to run the virus at 88khz internally. I don't ever use my virus for more than a few sounds in a track and wouldn't ever have a problem with halving my polyphony to do it. Right now what I use my Ti2 for most is as a midi controller for my Voyager & Juno 60. Awesome controller and I love making custom templates.. but a little sonic upgrade would be welcome.

    Audio resamples cleaner and with less processing working in even doubles between 44khz and 88khz which is why 96khz was intended for the video industry which uses a 48khz distribution standard.

    Isn't that a hell of a thing? The video insustry employs a 48khz standard while the audio industry still relies on the same tired old sample rate that came with the dawn of CDs. :thumbdown:

  • What if I :
    1/ divide the tempo by two
    2/ play my sequence one octave lower
    3/ record the output at 48kHz (so during twice the duration of the sequence at the original tempo)
    4/ pretend it's actually 96kHz (so I get the correct duration, and the correct pitches).
    5/ finally downsample the recording to 48kHz

    Would I get something sounding near to what a Virus running internally at 96kHz would produce?

    (for the sake of simplicity let's suppose that all LFO frequencies, delay times, phaser frequency, etc. get updated accordingly).

  • ok.we need 44.1, 48, 88.2,96Khz then :thumbup:
    Are u happy? 8o

  • when i am doing DVD Audio i need 96khz though.....
    88.2 is good only if u will down sample it to Audio CD, so deithering is better then if u would go from 96Khz,
    but if u doing DVD Audio or Bluray 96khz is standart over there..... :)

  • Must... resist... urge... :cursing: ^^

    Yes you certainly should resist the urge. It saves me the time of having to repeat myself or post up examples of how much more the sound & filters open up when running above 44k.
    While you might not care about these things AntonyB, I have dropped around $30k into my studio the last 3 years and very much care about the idea of getting better performance & increased flexibility out of my $3400 investment. Especially if it can come from simply enabling two higher sample rates.

    The Virus hardware is capable of a higher performance mode at the cost of polyphony. The bandwidth can also support a pair of stereo outs at 88/96 via USB as well as by S/PDIF.

    As it stands, the Virus needs to operate at an even multiple of your sound card's sample rate. This is why when working at 96k the Virus operates at 48 but at 88k it operates at only 44k internally.
    VC appears to handle the simple (x2) SRC.
    It would seem to reason then that the Virus could be enabled to operate at 88khz internally for people working at either 44 or 88khz.

  • Well, since we are succumbing to trolling.

    Actually I conceded the point about the interpolation filter (or perhaps earlier stages in the system) behaving differently at 48k - to an extent I was surprised about.

    Polyphony is a scarce resource, though - and im sure people prefer more voices (especially those that play live), and are happy to put up with a 'measley' 48kHz. The fact that there are only one or two people bitching here about it means they probably got it right.

    $30k sounds like a lot of money for a bit of extra precision in a frequency band nobody cares about - I really hope that investment remunerates itself. To think people have the timerity to believe they can release worldwide success records using equipment that cost less than $5000...

    Anyway - I have no time for audio snobbery - especially today.

  • Polyphony is a scarce resource, though - and im sure people prefer more voices (especially those that play live), and are happy to put up with a 'measley' 48kHz. The fact that there are only one or two people bitching here about it means they probably got it right.

    None of us who has any handle on reality believes our Virus was made without room for improvement so do save the comment about how they "got it right". We continue to see improvements to the Virus every year which is a driving force behind the unique value of the Virus. While you're "sure people prefer more voices", there are a LOT of users (most of which aren't hanging out on this forum) who would make use of a high performance mode at the cost of reduced polyphony. Obviously this would be for studio recording, not live.

    on the topic of trolling though, what on earth are you doing commenting in a thread about something you have no interest in, requested by people who obviously have different needs and interests than you? What we're after is to have 88/96 enabled as an OPTION that anyone can use or not use according to their needs.

  • Maybe its possible to help him to avoid wasting a lot of time and effort into trying to get something he has been fooled into thinking he needs.

    Also, by 'got it right' I clearly meant that their decision to not compromise performance by including an option for higher sample rates (I'm assuming the devices are fundamentally capable). It's not as simple as sacrificing voices, either, as they will need twice as much memory in certain stages (or half the maximum delay time for FX, etc.), possibly exceeding the amount of RAM available on the system. That is, unless they do a SRC stage at the front end which renders it utterly redundant.

    I would pick more voices, longer delays on FX and more USB channels every time (although presumably a successor will probably be USB 2.0+, so that may be moot). You can get good standalone sample rate converters if you truly are desperate, even ones that are integrated into an audio device.

    Incidentally, ACE17 - that would probably yield interesting results, although I think maybe not everything can be appropriately scaled down by a factor of 2 (maybe some non-linear/non-adjustable behaviour in distortions and analogue filter, etc.)

  • Is the virus the only synth you use or something and you refuse to actually track anything to audio?? Supersaw orchestra??? I can tell you right now that most professionals (who are the ones most interested in higher sample rates) do not use the Virus in this fashion.

    You make utterly no sense. The best modern plugins offer oversampling up to x16 or x32 (beyond what most need or use) and you are acting like having an option for 88 or 96 is some sort of frivolous extreme? Get real. The idea that it detracts from the quality of a product to offer users these extra options is absurd. The sound engine in the Virus is not on par with current digital plugins like D-CAM's Synth Squad or U-HE Diva and it would be a nice asset to add this option for those who'd like to be able to get a little more from its sound.

    Btw, you should know better but you reference a "frequency band nobody cares about" as if you have no understanding of digital signal processing, as those words aren't spoken by anyone who knows that's not where the merits lay.

    The Virus hardware (Ti2 especially) is fully capable of delivering at least one stereo pair of outputs at 88 or 96khz via USB or S/PDIF. If this was enabled it would take merely a few seconds to switch back and forth for recording something or general use.

  • Yes you certainly should resist the urge. It saves me the time of having to repeat myself or post up examples of how much more the sound & filters open up when running above 44k.
    While you might not care about these things AntonyB, I have dropped around $30k into my studio the last 3 years and very much care about the idea of getting better performance & increased flexibility out of my $3400 investment. Especially if it can come from simply enabling two higher sample rates.

    The Virus hardware is capable of a higher performance mode at the cost of polyphony. The bandwidth can also support a pair of stereo outs at 88/96 via USB as well as by S/PDIF.

    As it stands, the Virus needs to operate at an even multiple of your sound card's sample rate. This is why when working at 96k the Virus operates at 48 but at 88k it operates at only 44k internally.
    VC appears to handle the simple (x2) SRC.
    It would seem to reason then that the Virus could be enabled to operate at 88khz internally for people working at either 44 or 88khz.

    totaly agree :thumbup:

  • None of us who has any handle on reality believes our Virus was made without room for improvement so do save the comment about how they "got it right". We continue to see improvements to the Virus every year which is a driving force behind the unique value of the Virus. While you're "sure people prefer more voices", there are a LOT of users (most of which aren't hanging out on this forum) who would make use of a high performance mode at the cost of reduced polyphony. Obviously this would be for studio recording, not live.

    on the topic of trolling though, what on earth are you doing commenting in a thread about something you have no interest in, requested by people who obviously have different needs and interests than you? What we're after is to have 88/96 enabled as an OPTION that anyone can use or not use according to their needs.

    That was my initial thoughts :thumbup:

  • It seems that u don't know what u are tolking about and why in most proffesional studios either 88.2 or 96khz sample rate
    are used and what benefits will bring thouse native sample rates to Virus even thought that polyphony might be reduced twise.
    p.s. Please if u have no intrest in thouse sample rates please do not post anything here :!: