Virus TI not receiving MIDI when USB is unplugged

  • Hi,

    My Virus TI is not receiving MIDI (sent on channel 1 via an analog MIDI cable) when it is not plugged in via USB. No sound is produced and I do not see the little "note" icon flash. I have tested the MIDI output being sent to the Virus (by plugging it into another device) and it works fine.

    I've tried restarting it and I've looked through all the MIDI settings I can find, but no luck.

    I can send MIDI properly if I plug in USB and use the "Virus Synth" MIDI port.

    What's going on here?

  • I'd test a few more things - When USB is connected, you have a "Virus MIDI in" port available to your DAW. When you plug your MIDI controller into the Virus' MIDI in, the notes should arrive at the DAW through that port (if the DAW is not configured to ignore it).
    One more thing to check is that the MIDI cable (MIDI is digital by the way, not analog - that's what the D stands for in MIDI) is not damaged - try it with your soundcard's MIDI ins or a different device.

  • I'd test a few more things - When USB is connected, you have a "Virus MIDI in" port available to your DAW. When you plug your MIDI controller into the Virus' MIDI in, the notes should arrive at the DAW through that port (if the DAW is not configured to ignore it).
    One more thing to check is that the MIDI cable (MIDI is digital by the way, not analog - that's what the D stands for in MIDI) is not damaged - try it with your soundcard's MIDI ins or a different device.

    I'll check the former. I've seen the Virus MIDI In port, but haven't monitored it.

    I have double-checked the MIDI cable - I can route MIDI out of Ableton and back in (via the MIDI In on my sound-card) and it's arriving intact.

  • Have you tried "flabberbob"s suggestions, which I can only second here? This is a good test to see if there might be a hardware problem with the actual Midi In port on the Virus.
    Also make sure you definitely do not see any Midi note symbols in the display when the unit is tested.

    Best wishes,
    Jörg Hüttner