Can someone tell me how these sounds are created?

  • The first sound is a sample known as an orchestral hit.
    The two other sounds are based on hypersaw oscillators.
    The second sound uses a lowpass filter that has its cutoff frequency controlled by an envelope to snap-open and snap close. Also I think it employs an LFO for pitch modulation to create some vibrato.
    The third sound uses a similar envelope modulation, but rather on the pitch than the filter cutoff.
    Both sounds finally go through distortion - the third one even more drastically than the second one.

  • The first sound is a sample known as an orchestral hit.
    The two other sounds are based on hypersaw oscillators.
    The second sound uses a lowpass filter that has its cutoff frequency controlled by an envelope to snap-open and snap close. Also I think it employs an LFO for pitch modulation to create some vibrato.
    The third sound uses a similar envelope modulation, but rather on the pitch than the filter cutoff.
    Both sounds finally go through distortion - the third one even more drastically than the second one.

    Thanks allot, just what I needed to know! :D
    Could you by any chance also tell me how you think they created the lead synth? The resonance saw synth after the first break.

  • The main feature of the lead, the ability to go from pluck to solid, is gained by applying the filter envelope to one or both filters (in SER4 or 6 routing - depends on how dark you want the pluck to be). The envelope given with the init patch is a good starting point - adjust the decay rate to taste and set the envelope amount at about 75%. Now, when the cutoff freq. is at 0 you'll get a pluck sound, and when its at 127 you'll get a solid sound. Giving the AMP envelope a longer tail might be a good idea. Now you can try it with different oscillators and effects.
    Good luck.