LAYER Question need your HELP :(

  • Hey everybody : )

    So i have a big problem with my VIRUS Polar. I have 16 Voices, i use Logic pro 9 and i open an 16 channel multi timbral instrument to use my Acces VIRUS TI Polar with 16 Voices. So i think here i do all right.
    here it comes, i have my melody as a midi file and i put it if you wont on channel 16 in virus. i took a bass. now i copy the midi to channel 15, 14, 13, and took a string a lead and a pluck if you wont so. when i play each instrument separately, it plays perfect, but if i play all together some notes doesnt play in maybe the bass and the lead (sometimes also the pluck doesnt play a note its like random). it sounds horrible i dont now what it is and its not everytime the same note, in my automations is everything ok.
    Is there anybody who knows whats the problem?? ?(