Is this Small Bug fixed in os 5.1.3?

  • Hello access friends,

    I have a TI2 desktop with os and when I open the plugin and set the volume of the parts 1 till 16 with the desktop (multi edit mode) to a different volume.

    not with the mouse in the plugin but with the knob on the hardware virus.( soft knob 2)
    then only displays on the virus part 1 and 2 the correct volume.
    Part 3 and 4 displayed the same as 1 and 2 ..... part 5 and 6 displayed also the same as 1 and 2 ... ect. till part 16.
    but they do not change value in the display on the desktop.

    the volume responds but do not get displayed properly on the desktop.
    I am the only one who has this problem?


  • Hi Marc do you have this problem too?

    I have virus control software reinstalled but it remains!
    It's not a big problem, but I use the plugin only to have 3 USB outputs and 3 analog outputs.
    And i want to set the volumes of the parts 1 till 16 on the hardware.
    It would be nice if you could read the volumes of the parts 1 till 16 on the display of the virus.
    Maybe I'm doing something wrong? or my desktop is broken?

    greetings from the Netherlands

  • yes,

    i open the plugin and start the virus.....then push shift + edit.
    Then i can see on the display the options part enable - on volume - 100 output - usb 1 L+R.
    With the part button i can move to part 2,3,4,5,6,ect.
    So i can set the volume of the parts with soft knob 2.
    But part 1 and 2, it move the volume value on the display.
    But part 3 and 4,5,6,7,8,9 ect the volume remain on the value of part 1 and 2.
    The volume get louder and softer but I can not see the display value change.
    In this menu can I also mute the parts and change the USB to analog outputs.

    This will work in all parts, I can see the output I want and I can see witch part i mute.

  • Yeah, I get exactly the same, its a small bug.

    to be clear what i see is quite simple:
    soft knob 2 is correctly changing the volume of the part, and also the slider inside virus control moves correctly,

    but the volume on the virus LCD for all odd number parts shows volume of part 1, and for all even number parts shows volume of part 2
    this can be see as above when you change the vol by using the soft knob above, but you can also see it happening if you change the volume using the slide controller in virus control.

    no big issue for me, as I have virus control open, so get feedback from the slider control :)

    btw, thanks guitarie, I did realise I could change the part volume in this way till I saw this post :)

  • thank you for your comment THETECHNOBEAR!!
    I had given up all hope!
    I'm not the only one with this phenomenon.
    And even more fun.....that I can learn something someone. 8o
    I hope that they fix such little sloppy bugs and that they give us an update for the virus.

    greetings from the Netherlands

  • @ Thetechnobear +100 !!
    I am still surprised that this is not solved.
    I am on Windows PC, so i didn't know this.
    And i was this week still frustrated that this does not work properly!
    Will it be too difficult to solve??

    @ marc, please fix this bug. It would be REALLY GREAT!

    greetings from the Netherlands


  • Hey thetechnobear,

    I saw that there was an update for you Mac guys. We are now two years later and I was hoping that this bug was finally solved. But I use Windows and this update is not for me.
    I'm just very curious :)

    greatings from the Netherlands