Stuck notes - virus control

  • hi,
    im getting stuck notes on when using virus control and using an external midi controller - is this a known issue?

    i can easily repeat it:
    load VC in a host, select ShineOnHS , change to key mode mono 1, change delay and release to 0, delay to 0
    then play notes on external control, preferably quickly (but sometimes it can happen even in slow playing, i guess just more notes makes it more probable)
    what will happen is after a short while, you will get a constantly sustained note, have to use panic to stop it.
    ( i use shineon with short release etc, just to make it more obvious to hear)

    to debug:
    i loaded virus control into bidule, with a midi monitor, used above procedure to trigger the issue. I then counted note on/off and they were the same...
    so VC had recieved the note off, but somewhere it must have got lost!

    one strange thing, this only happened with another external controller, if i used the virus as the midi source, it did not happen.
    (perhaps due to some usb syncing?)

    this is on mac osx 10.8.3 , virus 5.0.3, virus access ti keyboard - happening on a few hosts.

  • more notes:
    - If i dont use virus control - i just use midi, same controller etc - then I dont get the stuck notes, only with VC
    - I'm using Out1 L+R, to minimise USB traffic (i.e. no audio)

    Id be interested to know if anyone else can reproduce or if its just me :)

  • Release - Amp envelope ( I think I did filter too, as it happens)

    I put this to 0 (and delay) just to easily demonstrate the issue,
    Since if you do this you know no sound should be heard after
    key release.

    As I said, the surprise, is it only seems to happen with VC
    With midi seems fine. And I'm using analogue out in both scenarios
    So you would think it can't be a usb data issue.

  • shineon hs
    amp release 0
    flt release 0
    delay send 0
    key mode mono 1

    play alot of different notes VERY rapidly, at some point one of the notes sticks, and so is in sustain.
    due to being in mono you will notice as it keeps returning to that note after you release another.

    ive now tried on another mac, an older one, to ensure it wasnt a usb contention issues - same issue

    im using a eigenharp as a controller which is very sensitive so can send alot of data quickly im wondering if this is the issue

  • flabberbob, it could but its not :o) ... as i mentioned, i did trace the note ons and offs, and using bidule, and they matched exactly.

    guitarie, yeah, from the keyboard I cannot do it either, but with an eigenharp you can just 'brush' the keys, so can be v quick.

    the reason I suspect 'speed' is that if I dont use VC, and do it via midi, then I cannot get the same issue...
    I suspect the only way I will perhaps be able to reproduce this without a harp, is to get a midi recording done, and then play that back at speed.

    im not sure its a big issue, im not even sure how i stumbled upon this, as I think originally ... I was'nt playing that quickly, so cannot quite understand why I only get it now, when i really push the thing to extreme lengths. - ho hum :)