More bootcamp videos

  • The videos made by Ben Crosland are brilliant.
    Why not having a few power users like Howard Scarr and Matt Picone sharing their tips and tricks the same way Ben did?
    I'm particularly interested in the modulation matrix secrets, also in a wavetable review and how they were designed.

    I would be ready to pay for another round :).

  • Thanks for you answer Marc!

    Here is my first ideas:

    • Dual FIlters tricks: I have hard time using correctly the dual filter with balance. I mostly use my Virus TI in 24dB/oct or 12dB/oct and the rest is trial and error.
    • Describing some of the wavetables and suggest usage
    • Using the analog keys and fancy modulation matrix sources in creative ways
    • The velocity. The aftertouch. The modwheel. How to program expression.
    • All the new effects.
    • Using external analog filters or integrating the virus with other synths
    • A reminder about log or exp curve for envelop with the mod matrix tricks
    • How to use the arp input as a note/step sequencer
    • The vocoder
    • The character section character / what it does how to use it.
    • 8 bits / chiptune sounds

    I learned new tricks with the former bootcamp episodes. So it's really up to Ben to show us his discoveries :).
    Should it be connected to a specific module of the Virus that is fairly rare compared to other synths? So it worths Access time to spend explaining how it works!

  • Thanks everyone!

    Ben got an interesting position, as he can reveal some secrets about the Virus TI algorithms and goals.
    If I had to pick only one, the wavetables are really mysterious to me. Does Access want to keep them secret for creative purposes? Having some clues would help to find the sweet spot and not count on artistic accidents after 40 hrs of trial and errors :). Use them, know them then abuse them :).

  • Beginners seem to go for "how to sound like...[GUETTA / DAFT PUNK...] ". Aron, would you be interested in such videos?

    When I bought my Virus, I already knew a bit about synthesis, to justify such an investment.

  • Thing is with these simple tutorials, if the patch already exists, we don't need the tutorial. Simply reverse engineer the patch and you can see exactly how it was done.

  • Cool thanks guys!

    Ben is probably really busy... Otherwise we can try to collect some knowledge by sharing simple patches ;). Or just finding some in the existing banks that use interesting tricks!
    How can we collect these tips and tricks with patches in a efficient way?

  • Cool thanks guys!

    Ben is probably really busy... Otherwise we can try to collect some knowledge by sharing simple patches ;). Or just finding some in the existing banks that use interesting tricks!
    How can we collect these tips and tricks with patches in a efficient way?

    "Drop Box" is a good file sharing option. And you could link to your files directly from this forum.? :thumbup:

  • Thanks musikman2008, I like it! Let's do it :).
    A recorded sample, a patch and a little text explaining the synthesis trick of a good patch we like or have done.

    I post in the two next days a trick I found! Does anyone else is in? It is more stimulating if we are several doing it!