How to sync bpm of a project with virus TI connected via MIDI (in single and multimode)

  • Hi all, I'm a new user, I have bought a second hand VIRUS TI2 Keyboard and I ask you some help for make my bpm of patches in virus in synch with my daw (Logic Pro 9, MainStage, Ableton Live).
    My seput is:

    Macbook Pro Retina, connected via firewire to soundcard Motu Ultralite Hybrid Mk3.
    Virus TI2 Keyboard is connected via midi IN and midi OUT to Motu Ultralite (as I use also the keyboard as master keyboard to play vst in Logic, Mainstage, Ableton Live)
    Virus Ti2 Keboard main Outs 1 and 2 goes to analog imputs 1-2 of Motu Ultralite.

    How can I automatically synch my virus of the bpm of the DAW?
    For example: if I change bpm in Ableton live from 120 to 140 bpm i want that virus TI changes automatically bpm to 140 bpm.
    Is it possible also in multimode?

    Thanks for help !!!

  • I'm quite newbie about MIDI, I have to configure something in VIRUS and on the DAW (es: Ableton LIVE 9) to send MIDI CLOCK (I'm looking into preferences of Ableton Live but I don't find anything about sending MIDI Clock an sync tempo clock)....

    Thank you in advance.

  • Yes, the top scenario

    so 2 steps
    a) On virus, on Midi Page 2/3, set Clock to Sync to External
    b) In Ableton to the Midi devices you have your virus connected, on the output side select Sync e.g. if using virus usb midi, Output: Virus Synth - Sync = ON

    a couple of notes:
    - the clock is only sync'd when the transport is running.
    - when running , in the top left of ableton, you can see 2 small squares, the bottom one flashed orange when it sends the sync to the external device (i.e virus), this should be in time with virus bpm led
    (if you hover over the square, ableton will tell you its called 'sync out')
    - when you change tempo, the virus will change - but it can take a few beats for it to sync fully, for dramatic changes.

    due to the clock only being sent when transport running, the virus will take a couple of beats to sync... hence the recommendation to give the virus one bar to sync the clocks, before you start sending midi notes.

    use the USB Midi link... don't use physical midi.
    The physical midi will work, but I found it was much less reliable when you start sending other midi data (e.g. notes and CC).
    I don't know for sure, but it could just be that midi din cables (30kbps) are much slower than USB (12 mbps) ... around 400 times the speed!

    as stated above its better to sync the virus (slave) to live (master), especially if you have other devices you also want to sync

    midi clocks latency, Ive not really found its needed if using USB midi... it may be required if you used midi din... due to slower speed - this is a bit trial and error.
    i use arps to tune this by sending audio back via audio interface, and matching it to beat marks in ableton... but its a bit tricky to get exactly right, as you soon get into having to account also for other track delays e.g. caused by audio cards and the midi transmission.
    but you could do it similarly by ear, comparing metronome sound in ableton, to an arp beat.

    tip: you can leave Virus on Sync to external at all times... if no clock signal is being received, the clock and tempo will run free... i.e. much the same as if you have set to 'internal sync'

  • Thanks so much for help... I will try this night....
    I want to use MIDI instead of USB because for live set I need to use multimode and also midi out for using VIRUS as master keyboard to play other vst and I read that if I plug USB cable I can't do that....

  • Virus USB midi works fine for multi mode, and you can also use it to control other VSTs
    It works in the same way as using the midi from your Motu.

    In ableton you choose where you want the usb midi from the virus to go, either to the virus or a vst (or even both if you wish)

    (btw, multi mode is pretty much identical to single mode, with regard midi... only difference is you can communicate on multiple channels)

    the only thing that plugging in the usb will do, is mean that the virus midi data will come only thru the usb midi interface, not the midi ports on the back.
    ... but you don't need thats as its coming via USB :o)

    Have a try with different combinations, and see what works for you...

  • Thanks so much... everything works now... just a question:
    if i connect usb cable..I can't hear nothing from analog outputs while if i disconnect usb cable i can hear virus sound..... what I have to configure?

  • connecting the usb disconnects the keyboard from the synth engine...

    simplest answer is you can 'reconnect' it in the virus menu, by setting keyboard/ local = on

    this is useful if you arent using a daw...

    but when you are using a daw you will create a track which receives on virus synth , and then outputs to virus synth.... ( ie the daw becomes the route to the synth engine) , this has the advantage that you can control the routing from the daw.
    simple example... you could recieve on midi channel one, and then use ableton to create a keyboard split to send to channel 1 & 2 ( assuming your in multi or seq mode)