Virus TI2 Problems

  • I'm having a serious problem with my Virus TI2, when I have my notebook (Windows 7 alienware) on, and my Virus off or disconnected,
    when I connect it or turn it on my computer freezes. Sometimes I even disconnect and connect and happens the same. Also, only sometimes when I
    disconnect it my notebook continues running well, and sometimes it's still frozen.

    I also have a doubt, when you use FL Studio, you have to obligatorily resample everything??

    Thanks in advance!

  • have you tried using a different usb port? is it a hub you've plugged your virus into? have you tried switching the virus on first then your computer?

  • I don't use a hub for the virus, and yes, I've tried switching usb and got same results. In that case, it works, but everytime I reconnect or close and open the notebook it happens the same.

  • I've had exact same problem. I had to disable USB3 controller in BIOS to fix that.
    Even my computer had USB2 connectors, they went to same root hub that caused the problem (I think).
    Now that I have disabled USB3, there was found new USB2 root hub device.

    I still got some sync problems but at least it's not freezing computer anymore...