suddenly my virus wont turn on anymore!

  • i was changing my equipment arround, and when i connected everytghing back, the virus would not turn on anymore no sign, of life in any leds or screen, then i tested the power source with aniother gear and its working normaly, so any thoughts on why this happened
    thx in advance

  • and apparently the brazilian dealer, listed on access repair center page, when i called them, they said only that only make repairs from who bought from them, so there no assistance for me here in brazil, how can i proceed to send to repair

  • it happened the same to me last month , no power up after storms and rainy days
    i sent it in Germany (Namedy) , at official access service.
    technician informed me about two problems :
    " The first is a defective power supply and the other one is a problem on the main board´s internal voltage circuit."
    i think you have to send it in Germany ,
    contact them