Floating earth on Virus Ti 40Volts!

  • When I plug my virus ti into my desktop iMac, there are sparks when I plug it into the USB port, I measure the voltage difference in ground between the iMac and the virus and it randomly jumps around either its 0V or suddenly goes to 19V or 40V, Should I be worried, will this damage my pc?

  • Yeah, it's totally possible that you have a ground loop somewhere in your rig. For the short term, make sure you only use your laptop on batteries, not connected to a wall socket!
    Also if you are hooked up to a speaker system anywhere, or amps, it's totally possible one or more of those isn't earthed properly. You need to suss that out ASAP, as it can be very dangerous! It's also worth buying a power conditioner and UPS power backup for your critical (aka EXPENSIVE) gear...