Transferring patchbank from to Virus Ti2 hardware via Virus Control

  • Hi there,

    I have created a couple preset banks for the Ti2 using virus control and would like to use those to replace the ones on the hardware. I'm able to do it for single patches by selecting and dragging into the RAM section but I'm wondering if there's a way to do it for an entire bank. Whenever I select multiple patches and try to drop into them, the program crashes. To be honest, this has always happened when doing multiple presets. When I did it before, virus control would resync the patches ( a process that would take 10 min or so ) on restart. However it's no longer doing this. The same patches are staying the same now. Any thoughts? Thank you.

    I'm on mac 10.13.6 Live 9.7.7 ( 32 bit ) and Virus / VIrus Control 5.1.7