Polyphonic Aftertouch Response

  • Hey there,

    I've been using and loving my Virus TI 2 and Snow for a while now both live and in the studio, but there is one feature I really miss on them - Polyphonic Aftertouch.

    It brings such a level of expressivity that would benefit many patches on the Virus. And if the Blofeld can do it, the Virus has to step up :D

    We're also seeing more and more controller providing this type of aftertouch, so an update would certainly "future proof" the Virus !

    Let us know !!


  • have you tried "Chan Pressure"?

    wait that's probably not polyphonic?

    [edit] OK I see it now, the manual says:



    Also called Polyphonic Aftertouch or Key Pressure. Independant MIDI data relative to the pressure applied to keys on a keyboard. Rarely implemented because pressing on several keys at once can result in too much MIDI data for a system to handle. In the Virus, this data format is used for a purpose not intended by the original MIDI specifications – as a supplement or alternative to System Exclusive (Sysex) data. See also Channel Pressure

  • Yeah, channel pressure is mono.

    I'm not sure I understand this part of the manual, but its hard to imagine that a device as powerful as the TI2 can't bear the MIDI data from poly aftertouch, if my old ensoniq and my blofeld can.

    Does it mean that the MIDI data a polyphonic aftertouch capable keyboard would provide would be recognized as some kind of weird alt sysex messages ?

    I can try again but I think I remember the Virus not responding to it at all.

    Thanks !