Midi implementation chart for snow..

  • Hello to all.. I am working with snow, yeap ok you can press ''add parameter to the list'' for automation but how i can control for example the envelopes with an external midi controler for example i want to assign the env to the knobs of my controler Is there any midi implementation chart? It will be so usefull !! Thanks..

  • Hello to all.. I am working with snow, yeap ok you can press ''add parameter to the list'' for automation but how i can control for example the envelopes with an external midi controler for example i want to assign the env to the knobs of my controler Is there any midi implementation chart? It will be so usefull !! Thanks..

    the easiest way would be the mod matrix unless you want to send sysex messages which probably wouldn't make it since most many do not support sysex "inputs" for plug-ins.

    best, marc

  • Using the Mod Matrix, you can use as the source "Control (x)" and any three destinations you want including filter-related parameters. Then, using your MIDI controller's native software, assign your knobs or whatever to those numbers.

    I have an Axiom 25, and the velocity sensitive drum pads are set to the CC#s 3, 9, 12, 13 on MIDI Chs. 1 and 2. They can make some juicy effects when you bang around on them or twiddle the corners... and they also control the clip envelopes in session view in Ableton.

    That was one of the best things for me when I switched from the TI 61 key to the Snow... discovering that :)