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    I have just stumbled across this post and am also feeling extremely frustrated and annoyed with not having a fully functional virus as well!
    Is there any update on this issue? Something surely has to be done about these issues users are reporting frequently with the Virus and the new Macbook Pros.

    I have just purchased a brand new Macbook Pro / 2.4GHz i7 / 8GB ram and am running Logic 9.1.5 on Lion 10.7.2

    What a huge disappointment this has been....after forking out over $3000 for a new computer I thought I was going to be making my life easier. Instead I'm unable to run the most expensive piece of kit I own...WTF!? Is this some sort of a joke? This make no sense to old Macbook Pro from 2006 which I've upgraded from was running this set-up with less problems.

    I am definitely regretting buying in to this "total integration" bullshit..."total irritation" is what TI really stands for!