Beiträge von Zlaught

    Hi sorry to hijack this thread but I'm having a similar problem as well.

    I use Logic 9. I've tried both exporting the midi file as a .wav and then putting it into a channel, and I've tried bouncing the midi file. Is there something else I'm supposed to be doing in order for this to work? If I use a random instrument instead of the VirusTI2, both of these methods work.

    Thanks for the help,

    Thanks a lot for your inputs infraction and entity, I'll definitely check out the youtube tutorials, and entity thanks to you also ill give your suggestion a try as soon as I get the time, I'll let you know how it goes

    Thanks for the help guys it is very much appreciated.

    EDIT: Entity I just followed your instructions and I think It's going to work now!!! It's currently synchronizing with my keyboard!. Thanks so much for the detailed step by step instructions on how to get this to work :)\

    EDIT2: THANKS SO MUCH Entity IT WORKS!!! :). BTW thanks ruari and infraction also, ill definitely be checking out the you tube page suggested and the book recommended


    I am using the most up to date stuff for logic and my virus. I clicked the "+", clicked the grey box (insert box I'm assuming?) and am now able to use plug-ins for the logic instruments. However once I change the software instrument to my virus, The channel strip changes back to what to would appear as a "external instrument" channel strip and doesn't give me the ability to choose a plug-in. What am I doing wrong? Also sorry I am a complete beginner with logic.

    I just read the logic manual but I can't find the channel's insert slot which I'm assuming will enable me to locate the plug-in. How do I get to the insert slot? I just realized that if I open a new project through the option "empty project", then even the logic instruments have the same problem and I cannot load a plug-in (all i can see is rev and chor followed by the volume). If I open a new project through the option "instruments" then they all come with the plug-in's and I can see what you were talking about. However even if I open a project this way I still cannot get the insert slot to appear when i change one of the instruments into the Virus. What do I do now?

    Thanks for your help.

    Sorry if I'm misunderstanding what you said, I'm completely new to this.

    How do I load the virus as a software instrument? Do you mean simply getting it to appear under instruments and then clicking Virus TI Synth and then clicking channel 1? If this is the case when I click on channel 1 I do not see AU Instrument.


    I am using logic on a mac book and I can get my Access Virus TI2 to play correctly. I Downloaded the software for Total Integration but i can't figure out how to get the software to display so i can mess around with the osc's and stuff like that without tweaking the knobs on my keyboard. When I downloaded the software it was able to locate my keyboard and everything and seemingly downloaded fine. I don't know and can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Help please!

    EDIT: I forgot to mention I've read the manual and watched the tutorials but they seem to just point back to each other and I am not able to locate the "?" button in Access Control that it also refers to.

    Thanks in advance,