Beiträge von eugenebalt

    Please help!

    The Virus has been working great for a year, no problems at all.

    This morning, I wake up, open my regular FL Studio project, and every single part is suddenly making garbled noise!! Nothing has changed. I've attached the MP3 with the noise. I verified that it's not the project -- for example, I started a brand new project, added the Virus TI, and same exact issue.

    Again, nothing has changed with respect to sound cards or audio settings, everything seemed to be fine last night.

    What do I do???

    I'm new to sound design.

    I found a patch I like, and I wanted to see what makes it happen. But no matter how many knobs I turn, add a 3rd osc, change 1 and 2 to new types (like Wave 25 etc.), change balance, play with Key Flw and Semitone -- no matter what I do, I never stray far from the original sound. It changes but just a little bit. I guess I'm missing something fundamental because patches sound completely different. Is there a "secret" to picking apart a patch?

    I wanted to mention a problem I've been having for months in FL Studio 10 -- but have resolved.

    When you open a project containing a Virus TI, sometimes (not always) the Load process hangs, and the Info boxes go white, so you can't tell where it's hanging. Both of the Load boxes at the top/bottom are blanked out, and it looks like the Virus has already loaded, because it was the first one to get displayed.

    When I disconnected the Virus TI and re-opened the project, it opened with no problems.

    So when using FL 10, I advise to turn off the Virus TI while opening the project, and only turn it on once the project has completely loaded. Then the plug-in will auto-detect the connection and initialize itself.


    I need some help reproducing Distorted-Noise FX that you can hear in this sample:

    Keep in mind, this is not the regular beat of the track -- rather, these FX-sounds are used as "transitions" from one section to the next in Hardstyle tracks (between sections). I'm very interested in how these FX-Transitions are made.

    Maybe it's possible to have 1 patch that oscillates in some way to give these random-sounding really phat distortions? It is some synth? or a sample?

    (I cut these various FX from different commercial Hardstyle tracks and "jumbled" them together, but in reality, of course, they'd only be heard every once in a while -- they're too extreme for frequent use.) Thanks in advance!

    Izotope Ozone 5.
    Uad !!!

    Izotope Ozone is horrible. I specifically mentioned in my post: Do not suggest Ozone.

    Not once in ~5 years have I had a good result from Izotope Ozone despite trying all presets and all versions of this product. Ozone drains all the depth from your mix and sometimes makes it extra-bright and distorts, and I'm not even a pro engineer, but I know bad sound when I hear it. :thumbdown:

    ^ I kind of disagree with the above post, the Virus is not straightforward or "simple" at all, lots of very confusing things about it. Some parameters sometimes work differently in different settings, some aren't used at all in some situations, some are hidden very deep... I've watched the Bootcamp videos and I can say that they've made things as difficult for a beginner, and as counter-intuitive as possible...

    The bottom line is pure experimentation. The Virus team even encourages it themselves, they call it "happy accidents" in their video -- you just come across interesting sounds and you save them... Then you analyze why they sound they do.

    I want to play the TI Keyboard while my project is playing in my DAW to experiment with arrangements.

    First of all, I have trouble "selecting" the right patch: I actually need to draw the note in the right patch in my Piano Roll, in order to "activate" it, otherwise the Virus picks up the wrong patch for the keyboard. Even selecting the patch in the VC List doesn't work.

    But here's the main problem: I hear the sound, but the Wheels don't work (Pitch & Mod). I need to be playing with the Pitch wheel, as I play and hear the combined sound (DAW project + key). How do I make the Pitch wheel work in this mode? My sounds already have a large pitch window, configured in VC, but there's no pitching when I turn the wheel.

    I have an arrangement made with Patch A, and when it's playing at the same time as arrangements with Paches B or C, B and C are blocked (inaudible), so A blocks everything out.

    Or alternatively, sometimes just the first click of Patches B/C is heard and then it falls silent as A is playing.

    These are unrelated patches, is it a question of overloading the Virus somehow? I'm using FL Studio 10. Without the overhead of A, B/C are playing just fine.

    Sorry for the stupid question, but I wanted to "pick apart" some patches... how do I selectively turn off Oscillators one-by-one? I couldn't find each Osc's on/off toggle. The menu doesn't have an "Off" button.

    Also, the "Init" patch seems to be a complex patch, 2 Classic Osc's. What if I just want to start from scratch with just 1?

    I'd like to bump this thread... and ask if anyone has any tips on creating those Hardstyle screeches.

    I've compiled a sample of various screeches from 3 different hardstyle tracks:

    It's not really distortion. I've tried applying VC's various distortions (like "curry" or "digital" or "rate reducer") to different sounds, but they only make the sound dirtier and lo-fi, which is not what I want...

    Any tips would be *greatly* appreciated... thanks.

    I have a commercial soundbank called "CFA-Thrillogy Vol. 1".

    All patches from that bank, when played in a chord (i.e. 3+ notes), seem to randomly "break" and play only 1 note every other place.

    For example: my piano roll has this arrangement:
    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    But this is the result with the patch "Detuned" from that bank: note that some chords randomly play one note.

    I'm noticing that the "Battery Meter" lights up as my Virus is 4/4. Is this problem? If yes how do I resolve it? Thanks.

    Thanks Ruari. I've been getting my tracks professionally mastered for ~ 5 years. I do agree that they do a great job.

    I'm not a "music novice" anymore, I have 10+ years of music production under my belt, and I'm a little bit embarassed that at this age I still have no understanding of the fundamentals of volume, compression, and EQ... I've bought some books, but they're all crap & too slow, I just need to know which chain of fx to quickly apply to my master, and with which settings...


    K-Meter from audio pluggers

    Thanks will give it a try, so you use it to remove the peaks, and then use a Limiter to gain the volume? Which Limiter do you use?