Beiträge von GoaLady


    sorry for my bad English. ;(

    I have a question about virus indigo II and Cubase Al 8.
    Everything was connected and Steinberg interface is on.
    Midi Tracks are prodused.

    :cursing: Then a problem: Now, i press play ,all Midi tracks run together and hangs the kick
    - the volume going up and down - kick is abnormal.

    - is the virus overloaded ?
    - Which virus indigo setting is optimal/perfect for Cubase ?

    Please Help me !!!

    Virus Indigo II

    I'm looking for my Indigo II cable
    How are the outputs.
    Balanced - unbalanced?

    I work with Indigo II and YamahaAW4416.
    I have YamahaHS8 and subwoofer.


    Ich suche Kabel für meinen Indigo II
    Wie sind die Ausgänge.
    Symmetrisch oder Unsymmetrisch ?

    Ich arbeite mit Indigo II und Yamaha4416.
    Ich habe YamahaHS8 and Subwoofer.