Beiträge von Janeway


    I have a Virus TI2 Polar

    After using the Virus Control Centre software to change around my sound banks - I unplugged the USB cable and powered off my Virus and now it just has a blue screen when I powered it back on ???!!!

    It's like the software in it won't load ?!

    I've just forced it into OS update mode by holding the exit button on start up.

    Virus Control Centre said there wasn't any operating system... NO TIOS


    Its updating now - says its writing OS banks - hopefully it works.

    Scared !

    Please help.


    I'm a new user of the TI2 Polar.

    I'm having trouble getting my head around how to set up, save and load user and artist RAM and ROM banks, patches and multis.

    I am on a Mac Book Pro and just using Garageband as the Virus Control plug in host. Not sure if this is part of my problem as its not a "supported" host.

    I understand individual patches save as .mid files

    But what about banks ?

    And how do multis work in terms of saving and loading ? Do they use the .mid file extension as well ?

    THANKYOU SO MUCH OLIATBASS - you solved my problem.

    As a new owner of a second hand TI2 - the sounds are awesome but I have to rant that there are some things that just make learning that much more damn difficult ! And have wasted a lot of my time.

    Access Music referring to the TI2 as just TI

    Naming the plug in "Virus Control" and the software program "Virus Control Center"

    Not having a dedicated instruction manual for the TI2, but rather using the old TI instruction manual, which does not have any mention about the extra ROM banks

    And the worst - using Virus Control Center to try to restore the Access VIrus TI2 to its original factory banks / programs - only to find that after the restore the actual synth has been backed up with TI1 banks / programs instead - AND the VCC and VC both incorrectly show TI2 banks / programs as being installed when they are not, as opposed to the TI1 banks / programs the actual synth is showing !

    What a shite introduction on the software / library / instructional side of things. Fortunately I am not interested in the total integration side of things - I will only be recording audio.

    Rant over. I feel better now.

    About to try your suggestion of backing up and restoring to see if that works. Fingers crossed.

    About to try your suggestion of backing up and restoring to see if that works. Fingers crossed.

    I'm having the same problem. About to try backing up and restoring as has been suggested to see if that works.


    I have just bought a second hand Access Virus TI2 Polar.

    I would like to do a reset of the synth, including resetting all the factory patches.

    How can achieve this ?

    Your help would be greatly appreciated.

