Looking for a VST/software Virus B editor for Mac

  • Hello,

    I've just aquired an Access Virus B and I was wondering what options do I have
    when trying to control it via software/VST. I know there was the Emagic Sounddiver
    some time ago, but I can't find it anywhere now.

    I know there is also a Rekon Audio VST Virus Editor, but unfortunately it only runs
    in a couple of DAWs (no Logic or Ableton support - it's what I use). Also there was
    this SoundQuest Midi Quest software but I'm having problems with reading the
    Virus B driver interface from their site with it.

    Do you happen to know anything else? Can I get the Emagic Sounddiver anywhere (searched
    the internet and couldn't find it).

    How do you guys control your Virus via VST? (except the new Viruses).

    I use a Macintosh so it's gotta be for Mac.

    Thank you.

  • so its not a " vst" youre looking for

    try a download the list of continious controllers in the forum
    if you cant find a controller for the virus you can always make youre own