Audio Inputs on Virus Desktop 2?

  • Hello there.

    I have a Virus Ti 2 Desktop and have only been using it through the usb cable and Virus Control in PT 10.

    I was wondering how can I get audio in PT10 and run it through the Virus Effects.

    Like let's say I have a synth lead in Omnisphere and like the sound, but I want to run it through the filters of the Virus, how would I do this?

    Also would I be able to do this through the Virus Control Plugin or would this require use of the hardware unit?

    My audio interface is an Mbox 3 Pro for those who need to ask.

    Thanks for your time guys!

  • you activate by using the Common/Inputs section - set to static (or dynamic, see reference manual for details)

    you can use via Virus Control inputs on the VST, or Analog IN L+R or Spdif IN.

    Most obvious use is using the effects, but you can also use as vocoder and also the atomizer is interesting.

    Really the best way to learn is to look at the patches provided (the TI 2 ones) as there are quite a few interesting effects, then look at whats going on inside the patch using virus control. from memory most of the parameters are on the same page as the Input mode.
    (if you search on the forum, you will find posts about using the vocoder, but the principles are similar for other effects)

    I found the best way to learn it, was just to sit down and try things - its not really that hard.
    (the atomizer has a separate video/instructions and is worth reading, as this is the one I found least intuitive)
