Still having problems with no sound from Virus Ti

  • My Virus has worked faithfully for 3 years now and all the sudden quit. I'm running DP 6 with a Mac running Leopard.

    I cannot get any audio out of my Virus Ti. Here's what I've tried:

    1. The demo doesn't play out of any outputs or headphone jack
    2. My Ti receives midi but no audio from any outputs or headphone jack
    3. Using the plug-in, I still get no audio from the USB connection. The Ti plug-in was working fine before with DP 6.

    Please help. I've emailed support last week, but haven't heard back. Is there a U.S. service center?

    rod at rednoteaudio dot com

  • rod,

    the demo song making no sound is not a good sign. you <could> try to reset the virus although i would be surprised if that would help (boot it while holding arp edit and wait until the Tempo LED starts blinking).
    if support doesn't have come back to you by now, it might be worth sending another email or preferably using the form on our website, maybe the response got caught in a spam filter?

    hth, marc

  • Rod,

    There are 3 service centers in the U.S. Do you have a ticket number from your support request? If you tell me your location, I can point you in the direction of the closest service center.
