Recording Midi CC Automation into Bitwig

  • Hi all,

    Just got my Virus, i'm new to the virus, never had one before. Mostly just been using VSTs. Anyway I just started playing with it and I thought oh I want to record myself messing with the cutoff/resonance or whatever knob into my bitwig midi track. And For the life of my I can't get it to record any automation at all from the virus into bitwig. I have loaded up Midi-OX and I see that the midi is reaching my PC... but in bitwig i just can't find a way to record myself jamming on the virus knobs. I have a controller and a Onyx producer 2-2 that its all hooked up into, I am plugging the virus midi in and out into my midi controller, I have tried going straight into the Onyx but that does not seem to work. I think ive tried every combination of midi in out thru that I can think of. Anyway like I said i'm a bit of a noob and midi drives me crazy, anyone using bitwig here able to record automation from the virus onto a midi track ? or even in ableton ?

    Thanks for any help!


  • So update, the soft knobs work!, so maybe thats all that works ? I can record midi automation into bitwig using the soft knobs only. I would be curious to know if this is other peoples experience and if anyone knows if this is just a limitation or my setup ?
