Beiträge von brucecoughlin

    I just bought a SNOW and was wondering if there was some way to grab the patch names and organize them as a text file. Is there some software that will do this?

    And even on a basic level is there a text file of the factory patch names in the SNOW to get me started... so I can load those into my synth patch names database?

    Of course it would be better if there were some kind of organizational librarian software that could move patches around and export names as a tab delimited text file.


    ah ok thanks

    I DID mean an updated version of Snow because, strangely, the Snow product is the only one on the Access website that only mentions TI, not TI2. All the other products mention TI2. Perhaps I'll check a box at my dealers and see if TI2 is mentioned there, as you said it was on yours.


    I'm thinking of getting a SNOW but don't want to if at TI2 version will be out any day.

    Does anyone know if there are plans for a TI2 (as opposed to TI) version of Snow?
