Beiträge von antispin

    Hi, first post here, but been using a Ti 2 on 10.6.8 for about 3 years now, logic has always seemed to never quite handle the VC as well as ableton which has been working very well for ages now. However my mbp was getting quite old and it was time for a new machine,

    I now have,

    mac mini 2.3ghz I7
    Apogee Duet 1
    Live 9.1
    bitwig 1.0.5

    after first installing the virus and transferring a project file, i was very happy to hear my patch i had just designed on my previous machine working correctly on 10.9.2.
    This was all made only using the physical interface, i continued to mess around with the patch.
    Opening up the VC caused things to get weird. Browsing patches caused

    Stuck / gliding notes
    Distortion / bitcrushing

    Interestingly, and on a side note i have been having problems with the duet (even before on 10.6.8) with a grounding problem , easily identifiable when touching the fire wire port on the back of the duet.
    has driven me up the wall for ages, the virus sound card issue solved that straight away (this is still when using a mbp and 10.6.8)
    Aftter switching to the new machine this noise is amplified (as if feeding back) as soon as the virus is switched on, it stays constant even without a DAW open.
    When a daw is open, and volume is turned up the digital noise (similar to a fax / modem /computer transmission ext) feedback on itself. it gets uncomfortable and can't be drowned out by the music when turning volume up.

    so yeah. new computer . bad ground loop. no virus. no sound card , running audio out into my monitors . . . not sure which version of VC i was using on 10.6.8 before if i even wanted to revert. little bit upset!

    has anyone expericed similar issues that could offer any advice???