Beiträge von Casey303

    I found the parameter setting and here is the funny thing, it was already set to external sync. However when I have it going in Cubase 5 that parameter disappears and it falls out of time. Could it be an OS bug perhaps? Just in case I am installing the new Virus Ti OS and hopefully that eliminates any issues :/ I emailed tech support about this but I do wish Access was faster in getting back to me with tech questions :/

    Where would I find that function? That is what i was thinking too but I cannot seem to find that parameter to change it if need be. I have used the Arpeggiator with my TI2 multiple times since it's purchase and I have not had this issue until recently. Maybe it's a bug in the update for Virus Control? Either way where would I go about looking for this setting? I may have completely skimmed right over it and not even noticed.

    Thanks :)

    Hey guys I am having a small issue, I am trying to use my virus with the arpeggiator on and it doesn't seem to want to lock into sync with Cubase 5, it falls out of sync with the project tempo. Now everything midi wise with Virus is switched on that should be. Any ideas or solutions? Thanks