Beiträge von chilly7

    I cant even get my Virus to work at 48KHZ never mine 96KHZ!


    John Bowen Solaris is a great example.
    He did an amazing job, thought the polyphony is limited, it sound if not 100% but at list 99% for shure like Analog.
    The sound of Solaris is Amazing and it raning natively at 96 Khz. so i was thinking that if Access will
    put this opition to runn their synth at 96Khz natively it would be very-very cool and even thought that polyphony
    might be reduced twise. For thouse who need polyphony they can always switch back to 48 or 44.1 Khz thought....

    I do not own Virus which belongs to me be i really like it and I think this feature will be very nice. :thumbup:
    I cannot post anything in the Feature Request Forum category but forum moderators if u would be nice, can u move it there please!
    As i know a current Virus can be runned natively at 44.1Khz and 48Khz, but it would be really nice if it would be possible to run it natively at 96Khz even though that poliphony might be reduced twise.
    I am not going to begin debate 48Khz vs 96Khz but thouse people who need it would really aprishiate this feature which alow to run it natively at 96Khz
    and even though that polyphony might be reduced.
    seens Virus is VA it only benefit from 96Khz sample rate
    Maby it might not be even possible to implement this feature for a crurrent Virus because of just time because i am pretty shure u guys working
    on a new Virus but please implement this feature at list in the next gen model.
    Thank u and Have a nice Day! :)