Beiträge von Beatlifter

    Probably true ya, could be FL's fault, the main problem I am having is the new track I'm making there's a gradual tempo change I'm trying to do. From 128 BPM to 150.

    The virus works fine if I stay at one steady bpm, but as soon as it hits where the bpm starts to automate from 128 to 150 the virus freaks out and goes all out of time and doesn't perform right.

    I'm not sure if this is a compatibility issue or sync issue. I have my virus hooked up to my computer via USB and ya works fine. It just really doesn't like the tempo change.

    I'm very curious, will there in the future be an update that will make the Virus a lot more compatible with FL Studio?

    Don't get me wrong I love my Virus and everything it can do, it's just a little frustrating when you pay over 2000$ for a product and it doesn't work very well with the program you are using.

    In my opinion, for the price that we pay for this product, it should be made a lot more universal and more compatible with a variety of different programs. Especially FL Studio considering a large portion of Electronic Music Producers are FL Studio users.