Beiträge von abret


    I'd like to know if it is possible to assign the S/PDIF output, to outputs 2 or 3, or if it is only possible to mirror output 1?

    My sound card has S/PDIF input at the end of the virtual mixer, so it would be better for me to mirror output 3, so I can have the 3 virus stereo outputs in the right order in my mixer.

    Also, can we expect the S/PDIF output to act as a 4th stereo output with software upgrade? That would be awesome.


    Actually, the problem seems to be more complicated.

    When I select a Virus track in Logic then press play, everything is in sync.
    But when I select another track, the Virus is ahead.

    This means that delaying the track won't help much.

    What can I do to fix this problem?
    Maybe by creating an aggregated virtual sound device with my Motu+virus, then using that in Logic?



    I'm using my Virus TI with Logic, using the physical outputs.
    I sometimes have syntonization problem, with my Virus TI being ahead of everything else.
    It looks like the Virus TI plug-in is not reporting the right amount of latency to compensate to Logic.

    Sometimes it works, but sometimes the virus is ahead.
    I've set the "main out" to "out 1 L+R" but it doesn't help.

    Any advices?