Beiträge von K5

    Thanks for the reply I hooked up my laptop and I'm playing audio thru the virus, using the atomizer with no luck there ether. I can here the audio fine nice and clear, but no atomizer fx (atomizer is turned on) or no fx at all no rev, dly, filter.ect... I can't seem to find a step by step setup anywhere. Thx K5 ?( OK to make it easy I simply hooked up a cd player to the virus inputs and the virus outputs to a mixer. I here the cd track fine. I turn on the atomizer loaded a patch from VC and…… wait for it……………………………….. nothing. I do here some noise when i press the keys but thats it. the cd track play normal. ? HEPL??????????? Im running VC with AU Lab if that helps anyone, and I want to get my audio from DJ serato.