Beiträge von Bram

    Is it somehow possible to extract/retrieve the sound/patch names from the sound banks as text? Maybe somehow to convert the .mid files that contain all the patches?
    Otherwise I need to type every single one of them into a textfile.
    I tried: but this tools creates only data from sysex and no textual names. I opened the file after i converted a .mid sound bank, but sadly no names, only sysex data.
    I know there is a patch name list of the virus. But that list only contains the standard factory sound names.

    I think your missing the point here, the midi out doesnt work in the case when using the virus ti as a plugin.
    It entirery depends on where you want to see the problem.

    In the case you want to use the knobs of de virus to control any plugin inside Cubase, you will not succeed when the plugin is started. Just keep it simple. The problem isnt Vienna one. Because Vienna can recieve the virus controller info that comes from my master PC. Because thats what i have made so far with a different midi controller to control the virus ti knobs. So again this should be a improvent for the virus TI.
    I can control the parameters for the TI in Vienna thats not the problem, only not record them with the original TI knob movement.

    Using a 2000 euro synth as just a midi controller doesnt really make sense to me ;) But i understand the option. Running another instance on my sequencer pc is also an option. But i makes my configuration a bit messy with 2 different ve pro hosts. I also came with a option. When you just control some of the parameters of VC, then use a seperate midi controller on your sequencer pc and map the knob in VE Pro (slave) to the VC parameter, for example cuttoff. I dont record that many parameters. So in that way you can control and record the movement, sadly not with the nice Virus knobs..
    Which program should i use to send midi over ethernet? using the Virus USB midi (Synth) (PC A) -> ethernet -> Seq (PC B) method.

    Hi, Iam using Vienna ensemble Pro on a slave computer as vst host. In there i have virus ti running (usb connection). I already figured out how to automate from my master sequencer (cubase). However i need the normal midi connection to assign the hardware buttons in my master sequencer. That way when i write enable a track, it records the parameter. Atm i cant record the movements of the knobs. The midi out of the virus is connected with a midi cable to my master midi in. I like to know if its possible to enable midi out from the virus while also connected thru usb. That would solve the problem. Maybe its an easy tweak for a future patch. Best of both worlds, to use it as a plugin and as a midi controller at the same time.
