Beiträge von ben_robinson

    That would be nice, but I would also think that it wouldn't need to replace current ones.I was thinking it would be similar to what they did when they first added the tape delay, you just select it instead of the simple delay. Since they both wouldn't run at the same time I would think its possible, as long as the CPU can handle the newer Kemper

    That's what I initially thought, but last night I left it on with USB with midi monitor open and it opened to 127 a couple times with nothing playing. Kinda odd and it does it while I play live too sometimes. Do you think its a firmware thing??

    Has anyone else had this issue? After playing for a bit the Filter randomly opens to full. Seems like its while playing a note or something. I then have to move the filter manually to get it back done or change the patch back and for worth really quick to get it back to where it was.

    Could it be a dirty Filter Pot?