Beiträge von rhombus

    I've been using Robert Henke's "Control Change 8" MIDI effect to map Push's knobs to common parameters of the Virus TI. Alas it's a Max 4 Live device so it's a solution that's limited to Suite owners or those who have added it on to Standard. You can get Control Change 8 and other M4L devices by Henke here:

    Robert Henke's Max 4 Live Patches

    I added one of these to each of the MIDI tracks that feeds the Virus TI VST. I mapped the knobs to filter cutoff, resonance, and some of the most common soft knob mappings that I've seen in patches. Alas the soft knob mappings tend to vary but thankfully not outside of about five different CCs. The most common CCs that I've seen soft knobs mapped to are 1 (Mod), 3, 6, 12, and 13. I also have Filter Cutoff (CC #40), Filter Resonance (CC #42), and Osc Volume (CC #36) mapped on the Control Change 8. I then wrap the Control Change 8 in an Instrument Rack so all 8 parameters show up for the corresponding track on the Push.

    The other thing that seems to be different in Live 9 is that the I/O section for a MIDI Track can only send Audio, it can't forward MIDI to another track. So what I do instead is use an External Instrument in my device chain to send the MIDI to the VST track. Again, because the VST track is just a MIDI track, I create a final Audio track so I can record audio output from the Virus. Then finally I wrapped it all up into a track group for ease of collapsing.

    This link will download the ALS file, feel free to use it:
    Ableton Live 9 Project with Push and Virus TI Snow

    DISCLAIMER: I don't know if this ALS file will work perfectly with your setup. Remember, it needs Ableton Live 9 and Max 4 Live and you'll most likely need to download the "Control Change 8" M4L device from the first link. Because I reference an M4L device and a VST, I'm not certain if Live will be smart enough to pick these out of your user library. Finally, I'm making use of the TI Snow VST, which may or may not work out if you have a Desktop, Keyboard, or Polar edition.

    If you make any changes to the project for efficiency and/or performance I'm sure we would all appreciate it if you would share!

    Having recently bought Ableton Push I thought I'd do my best to get it working nicely with my Virus TI Snow. The sample Ableton Live project that comes with the Virus TI still works but it's a bit out of date and of course doesn't integrate totally with Push. I'm starting this thread so Ableton Push and Virus TI users can post tips for integration.