Beiträge von trtlmnky

    Recently upgrading from Logic Pro 9, where everything Virus related was working swimmingly, but after switching to LPX, I get no audio, only sync errors. Not entirely sure what's happening here. This would happy every once in a while when I was in Logic 9 but usually just stopping the track and hitting play again would reset it. I think once I just had to reboot the Virus and then it was fine.

    I'm just not entirely sure what's up here. Google didn't really turn up anything super helpful.

    Oh, I knew I left something out. Logic 9.

    And I know, I can't believe how long it just sat there either. Life in the way, just bouncing around rapidly from place to place. But I'm settled now, and finally got around to incorporating hardware into my studio. I always learn quick when I can really get into something but the basics here are a little wonky since I've not really incorporated hardware into my studio beyond my audio interface and microphone.

    So, I'm very used to using softsynths, wherein I open one, program a sound, and if I want to use that softsynth of another sound, I just open another instance of that softsynth and start programming another sound and we're A-okay.

    My Virus TI was given to me LONG ago by a guy I knew who was selling off stuff for personal reasons and I never really used it since at the time, it was a little beyond my skill level and knowledge base. Guess it still is to some extent?

    So if I do the softsynth thing and just open another instance of it, obviously that doesn't work since I can only have one instance of Virus Control open per project. I see that I have sixteen slots for different patches available within Virus Control but I'm not having any luck getting it to switch between them.

    I feel like I'm missing something really obvious here and would probably benefit from a more experienced TI user explaining this to me like I'm a four year old.

    Thanks in advance.