Beiträge von ensonic

    Hi, I just brought a Virus TI Desktop and I am a long time Linux user and developer (Gnome Desktop, GStreamer). I am running debian testing and so far midi I/o is working fine, I can send audio to the virus ti over usb. When I capture I get a 6 channel wav, where the first 2 channels are what is playing on the analog audio-inputs (at volume determined by master volume and config - inputs 1/2 - sensitivity & boost). I hear both the audio from usb/input and synth on the headphone out, but I can't capture the synth on the usb side.

    I anyone aware of a block diagram of the mixer. Like which parameters affect how the audio is routed. Also as much as I explored the menus on the synth, I slowly believe that the audio routing can only be configured in the total integration software. Or are there menus I haven't discovered where I can tell for to which output to route (In multi mode I can assign parts to out 1-3, but no mention of usb).