Beiträge von johnghadimi


    I downloaded some custom patches from the Access site. I want to be able to load them into the Indigo. I however don't want to overwrite Banks A & B. Happy to overwrite the other banks (C-H).

    How do I do this and force it to go to a specific bank? The Midi Dump RX options I have are:
    - Disable
    - Enable
    - ForceToBankA
    - ForceToBankB
    - ForceToEditBuff

    Thanks for any help on this.

    The Vocoder works. I have brought a vocal channel from my DAW into the Indigo. Using patch B111 VOC osci1. Also sending midi chords from my DAW to trigger the Indigo's carrier to vocode the vocal input. Everything works. I hear it working nicely in my headphones. Now comes the challenge I'm facing. How do I record this vocoded signal?!

    I thought it was as simple as recording the the Virus output, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Once you I get signals from Out1, the signal is now super loud and all I hear is this loud mess of the carrier signal drowning everything out!

    What is the proper and correct way to record this vocoded vocal back into my DAW? What output should I be using? What settings should I be using? I've poured over the manual and the settings. The Secondary output also created a loud mess, so that doesn't seem to do the trick. I'm stumped. Appreciate the help. :?: