Beiträge von Karlstrom


    I have the same problem vith my Virus Ti keyboard and Cubase 5 essential.
    I only get one track working.

    I have done as you say and started the vst instrument and then added miditracks.

    Midi in: all midi inputs
    Midi out: I do not get "Virus Ti " as an option in the midi out section, only "Virus Ti midi "and "Virus Ti synth".

    I have set the virus up with Cubase SX version1.02 and then it works with all tracks. On that old cubase sx version i get "virus Ti" as an midi ouput option..
    I have also tried to set it up together with Cubase 5 and it is the same problem there..

    Does anyone have a clue on how to get the "virus Ti" to be an option in the midi out ???
    I use the Virus USB ASIO driver
    Virus OS 3.3, Cubase essential 5.1

    Thanks in advance: