Beiträge von kazeko

    Thanks kazeko! Good to know! I have my TI2 plugged into a power strip with other hardware also plugged into it. When I'm through with a session I put my TI into Standby but then turn the power strip off too, so that's good. I agree, they should have included an on/off switch. But no, Access thought it was more important to include a silly demo song as part of the permanent interface. X/


    PS. Don't forget, even if you leave your TI in Standby, or disconnect the PSU from the unit, the PSU itself is still on and running if it is plugged in to the wall or a power strip that is left on.

    i was wondering if dimming the panel LED's is not putting extra strain on voltage regulators as well?

    since it needs to switch it on and off very quick ,so i guess it can also wear down regulators...

    food for thought...

    hi there

    truly horific thing!

    my sincere condolences to all who experience that...

    And after reading here an other threads ,i came to conclusion that possibly it is better for TI users to when finished with your work ,

    to take psu of the socket.

    I think STANDBY mode can be a culprit here,i think is it wearing out voltage responsible components,

    and killing them and motherboard in turn.

    It is maybe something that Access did not anticipated in design,and thought STANDBY will be a nice feature,

    while in fact STANDBY puts extra stress.

    In my opinion it should be simply on or off just by a mechanical switch.

    so fellow Viruses ,if you done ,turn it off completely from power,DO NOT leave it on STANDBY,possibly it will safe regulators,caps and thus your machine.




    Patches Volume to be optional to set Global(single,seq,multi) ,so once set ,it does not change while changin patch

    same as here

    Global normalized output gain config



    virus ti snow od 3 tygodni

    w tym czasie pokochałem go potem chciałem go sprzedać a teraz chcę virus TI 2 desktop

    ale co najciekawsze to to że jako interfejs dźwiękowy ma imponujące brzmienie!

    po podłączeniu go do komputera zaczełem przesłuchiwać ulubione utwory jeszcze raz,dodam że moje monitory to genelec 1029a

    jako interfejs mam wrażenie że dźwięk jest bardziej soczysty/siarczysty/gęstszy


    Apparently, the Snow's D-A converters operate at 192kHz/24-bit, and though no sampling rate is given for the A-Ds, they are 24-bit too

    opis virus ti snow w soundonsound

    jeżeli faktycznie przetworniki vitusa ti pracują w tej rozdzielczości to może to manifestować się własnie doskonałym brzmieniem

    a więc dostajemy nie tylko znakomicię brzmiący i elastyczny syntezator ale również interfejs o wysokiej jakości


    Na nową wersje Virusa nie ma co liczyć raczej bo właściciel wszedł w inny interes i dobrze mu idzie i chyba na razie nie myśli o sytezatorach.

    nie ma co tracić nadziei...

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