Beiträge von Cfichman

    Please help me how to understand this better. When recording with ableton live, how do you have more than on track for the virus at a time. I want to use all 4 voices on my TI snow, but can only figure out how to get sound out of the first one. Is it even possible to be in multimode when using live, or is it automatically in sync mode. I can get the sound to come out of voices 2-4 if i hit the audition on the device itself, but cannot get a response from my midi keyboard. Only voice 1 is able to be controlled by my keyboard. At this point I am recording one track, then recording the audio, and saving the midi and the preset if i decide to change anything later. I want to have 4 tracks coming from the virus simultaneously, so that I program the midi as it plays. As it is now, I can only do this one at a time, limiting me in going back to tracks I have already done. I know that was redundant but does anyone know what I am saying?